Used to indicate doubt, wishful thinking or uncertainty, the past subjunctive is a polite way to express ideas and is called the "past" subjunctive because the verb forms are in past tense.
When we have the money, we will purchase a new television: wenn (when) wir (we) das (the) Geld (money) haben (have), dann (then) kaufen (will purchase) wir (we) einen (a) neuen (new) Fernseher (television).
If we had had the money, we would have bought a new television - Wenn wir damals das Geld (the money) gehabt hätten (had had), hätten wir (we would have) einen neuen Fernseher gekauft (bought).
Adding special characters
Ways to add vowels and the ß without German keyboard design:
Click on the desired character below and it will appear in the active field.
A faster and more convenient way: We associated each character with a number from 1 to 4, whereas ä is 1, ö is 2, ü is 3 and ß is 4. Just type in the number and it will be instantly transformed to the character.
Enjoying higher usability
Use the tab key to jump from the current to the next input field.
Press enter key (or return key) to send the form and to see the solutions.
Use numbers 1 to 4 to add vowels and special characters.