German Texts for Beginners

Here are some easy and engaging texts to practice and develop your German reading and comprehension skills.

Written by experienced German language intitlestructors, these texts are specifically written to aid German students from the elementary and beginner A1 and A2 levels, as well as meeting the needs of the more advanced B1 and B2 level student. more

Texts for beginners include simple sentences with basic vocabulary. More advanced texts feature complex sentences with relative and subordinate clauses and wider use of tenses. Our innovative teaching system clearly indicates the vocabulary level in each reading, making it very easy for any German student to choose appropriate texts for their needs.

Upon completing each reading you can test your comprehension by answering the accompanying questions. Every text is available as a printable PDF. They are ideal for German language students working on their own. They are also perfect for German teachers to use in class or as take-home exercises.



Meine Familie 116 92% 7% 1% 0% -
Maria und ihre Familie 157 90% 6% 3% 1% ?
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Der Müritzsee 102 86% 3% 7% 4% -
Einkaufen im Supermarkt 249 84% 13% 3% 0% -
Ich bin Tom 115 84% 6% 9% 1% ?
Susanne schreibt einen Brief 109 83% 14% 3% 0% -
Unser Haus 252 82% 15% 3% 0% -
Freundinnen 110 81% 13% 6% 0% -
Brief an Marion 115 80% 13% 5% 2% -
In der Schule 169 80% 13% 5% 2% -
Struppi 125 80% 12% 7% 1% -
Einkaufen gehen 112 80% 10% 8% 2% ?
Frühstück 119 79% 17% 4% 0% -
Was will Tom? 93 79% 15% 6% 0% ?
Der Skiurlaub 122 79% 13% 9% -1% -
Die Jahreszeiten 159 78% 12% 9% 1% ?
Der Weg zum Supermarkt 104 75% 14% 10% 1% ?
Ferien 109 74% 15% 8% 3% -
Meine Geburtstagsfeier 158 73% 18% 8% 1% -
Mein Tag 110 73% 17% 8% 2% -
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Martin, Leonie und Christian 153 83% 4% 10% 3% -
Wir sind umgezogen 127 77% 9% 14% 0% -
Umtausch 116 73% 14% 12% 1% -
Beim Arzt 115 73% 10% 14% 3% -
Morgen kommt der Nikolaus 87 71% 18% 6% 5% ?
Österreich 140 71% 17% 11% 1% -
Omas Geburtstag 254 70% 12% 13% 5% ?
Meine Stadt 138 69% 18% 9% 4% -
Im Einkaufszentrum 124 69% 17% 10% 4% -
Der Umzug 107 69% 13% 15% 3% -
Sommerferien in Deutschland 101 67% 17% 16% 0% -
Kleidung kaufen 202 66% 22% 10% 2% -
Der neue Nachbar 177 66% 16% 12% 6% -
Gesunde Lebensweise 115 66% 14% 16% 4% -
Meine erste Wohnung 179 64% 17% 15% 4% -
Ferien in Bayern 106 60% 20% 15% 5% -
Hausputz 102 56% 24% 17% 3% -
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Gemeinsame Reiseplanung 103 64% 8% 21% 7% -
Nach Paris fahren 132 63% 11% 18% 8% -
Lebensmittel im Müll 102 63% 8% 19% 10% -
Im Ausland arbeiten 112 61% 9% 20% 10% -
Das Fußballspiel 200 58% 15% 22% 5% -
Im Tierpark 200 56% 8% 25% 11% -
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Ostfriesische Inseln: Vielfalt an der Nordsee 146 38% 20% 19% 23% -
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