German conjunctions

Conjunctions in German are various kinds of words that tie several words, or clauses, or phrases or even full sentences together. Unlike in English, there are often several possible German words that might all mean the same English conjunction, for example, "aber" (but) or "sondern" (but).

You have to pay attention to how they are used, for instance, "aber" can mean "but", "however" or "nonetheless" and it is used right after a positive or negative clause while "sondern", which can mean "but", instead, etc, is employed only after a negative clause.

The mistake many German students make is trying to think in English instead of thinking in German and immersing themselves into the language they are learning. They also don't think about gender, case or word order, all of which are vital when trying to learn and translate from English to German.

Grammar exercises

not exercised
not exercised
not exercised
not exercised
not exercised
not exercised

fill-in-the-blanks exercise
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