German numbers 1-100

Numbers from 1 to 100 are given below as numerals. Write their corresponding word forms in German. This exercise will provide practice in pronouncing and speaking numbers in German. It is also a great way to practice the formation of numbers greater than 20.


Example: 51 = einundfünfzig, 62 = zweiundsechzig, 73 = dreiundsiebzig

1.) 56 = , 16 = , 91 =

2.) 52 = , 17 = , 33 =

3.) 36 = , 93 = , 20 =

4.) 17 = , 47 = , 59 =

5.) 46 = , 89 = , 66 =

6.) 52 = , 26 = , 38 =

7.) 67 = , 83 = , 98 =

8.) 28 = , 87 = , 40 =

9.) 61 = , 32 = , 75 =

10.) 11 = , 54 = , 78 =

11.) 73 = , 19 = , 43 =

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