Vocabulary builder
Test, improve and expand your German vocabulary step-by-step. The training starts with fundamental vocabulary of the German language and then advances in difficulty level. Pass "Active use" and "Comprehension" tests of each level to unlock the next stage and more words.
How does it work?
All students start with 1st level, which contains very basic words (A1 - Entry Level). At first, we suggest to perform the test of comprehension (German to English). It is multiple choice and thus an easy way to become acquainted with new words. Afterwards you have to demonstrate, if you are able to actively use and write the vocabulary (English to German). If you answer more than 75% of questions right, we will unlock the next level.
Locked packages
Pass previous packages to unlock new words.

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37 words

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38 words

40 words

40 words

39 words

39 words

40 words

41 words

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35 words

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36 words

35 words

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42 words

39 words

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38 words

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42 words

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40 words

40 words

40 words

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